Cat Wound Care & First Aid When a cat sustains an injury, it is important to deliver quick and proper cat first aid care and take the animal to the veterinarian when necessary. The first main step in wound care for cats is to thoroughly and gently clean the abrasion, cut or other injury and examine. A variety of spray and pour bottles of antiseptic fluids are available. Cat wound spray, such as those with vetericyn, ceragyn and ketoseb, provides efficient cleaning without the sting of alcohol.
At our online pet supply store, we take pride in offering a comprehensive selection of feline first aid and wound care supplies to provide optimal care for your cherished cat. Our Medi-Vet cat first aid products are essential components of any pet owner's first aid kit. Having access to quality feline first aid supplies is crucial in ensuring the well-being of your cat during emergencies. One of our feline first aid products includes the Dukal Rolled Gauze, which is a versatile and non-sterile option that can be used for wound dressing and securing bandages, while the Petflex No Chew Bandage provides a protective covering that discourages your cat from licking or chewing on their injuries. By shopping with us, you can easily stock up on discount veterinary supplies that are vital for your cat's health and safety. These first aid and wound care products play a pivotal role in providing immediate assistance and promoting swift recovery for your feline friend. Order today. When a cats wound requires bandaging, nothing covers and stays better than vet wrap. Offered in a wide variety of colors, this elastic bandaging will not unravel. To prevent the pet from biting at the bandage or licking the wound, anti-lick spray for cats creates a bitter taste that cats do not like. Get all of your cat first aid supplies with Medi-Vet and take advantage of free shipping on orders of $79 +!