Over recent years, medical science has seen dramatic advances in new and innovative wound-care protocols. Once a matter of simple wet saline dressings, wounds can now be better managed by a number of new techniques, including a family of compounds known as proteases down-regulators. When these meatrixmetalloproteinases (MMP's) are over produced, the wound healing cascade becomes unbalanced.
In a typical open wound, new tissue is grown as old, necrotic tissue is removed and sloughed off by the body. This series of events is regulated by specific enzymes (proteases) which act to govern the rate at which new tissue is grown. Unfortunately, these proteases can become over-active and slow the healing in acute and chronic wounds. This is the case in such common wounds as decubitus sores, traumatic injuries, diabetic foot ulcers, and first degree wounds from burns. VetCare is transferring this patented blend of metal ions from the human market to the veterinary market. There is a direct correlation between humans and animals, as it relates to the overproduction of MMP's.
The appropriate balance of MMP's are key for normal wound healing process to occur. Naturally occurring ions, such as Potassium, Rubidium, Calcium, And Zinc have been shown to regulate protease imbalance and stimulate healing. The active ingredients in QuickDerm ointment and spray contain these ions.
Instructions for Use:
- Gently cleanse the wound using standard wound care practices
- Debride necrotic tissue if present and apply ointment/spray to the entire wound bed
- Option to wrap or not
- Repeat daily for best results
- QuickDERM can be applied directly over tendon and bone
- Promotes a moist environment