JorVet Pet Piller Syringe With Rubber Tip
JorVet Pet Piller J0384XN Syringe is designed with a rubber tip has finger rings for better control when giving a tablet or capsule. The rubber tip that holds the tablet/capsule reduces the chance of injury. Water can be drawn into the syringe. When giving the medication, the water will aid and encourage swallowing. Designed with a transparent barrel of the right length with a rubber tip tablet/capsule holder, and a piston with plunger.
The JorVet Pet Piller Syringe is especially useful, as well as a fast and easy way of administering tablets or capsules to cats and dogs.
Cleaning: The Pet Piller Syringe is rinsed in tepid water. Avoid using disinfectant detergent or detergent.
Available Packaging: Offered individually and as a display box of 10 JorVet Pet Pillers.