HomeoPet Feline UTI+ Urinary Tract Infection
Promotes a Healthy Urinary TractHomeoPet UTI+ Urinary Tract Infection is the natural choice for relief from urinary tract infections. HomeoPet UTI+ eases the burning discomfort, supports healing and kidney function and calms the anxiety associated with upper and lower urinary tract infections in dogs and cats.
Directions: Oral remedy to be dosed directly into mouth, in water or on food.
Administer one dose 3 times per day, as needed In acute cases, one dose every 25 minutes up to 6 doses may be given. When improvement is seen, decrease frequency of dosing. If improvement is maintained, stop dosing after 2 days. If symptoms reappear, repeat original dose. - Under 1 lb . . . 2 drops in at least 8 oz of water
- 1-20 lbs . . . 5 drops per dose
- Over 20 lbs . . . 10 drops per dose
Packaging: 15 dropper tip bottle. Minimum of 450 drops per bottle.
HomeoPet Item 18514
- Solidago Virgaurea 4x (Goldenrod) - Kidneys sore and tender. Cystitis. Obstructing flow of urnine or inflammation.
- Aconitum Napellus 200c (Monkshood) - Anxious sudden onset bloody urine with straining & burning on urination, absence of urine in shock or in newborns.
- Arnica Montana 6c (Leopard's Bane) - Bruising or injury of urinary tract with painful urination from trauma including self trauma from licking, catheterization, urinary stones crystals or surgery.
- Berberis Vulgaris 4x (Barberry) - Major remedy for support of entire renal system and urinary tract which is antiseptic, relieves burning sensations and radiating pains around kidneys.
- Calendula Officinalis 4x (Pot Marigold) - Helps healing of all tissues.
- Cantharis Vesicatoria 6x, 6c, 30c, 200c (Spanish Fly) - Straining to pass drops of urine or blood which burn causing patient to cry out (beware of obstruction which requires veterinarian attention).
- Copaiva 7x (Balsam of Copaiva) - Acts on mucous membranes & genito-urinary organs with corrosive milky discharge at meatus which is swollen and inflamed. Thickening of bladder. Burning neck of bladder, urethra.
- Echinacea Angustifolia 4x (Purple Cone-flower) - An anti-infective remedy in general and in cystitis where there is cloudy urine which is frequent and scanty and sometimes even involuntary.
- Epigaea Repens 4x (Gravel Weed) - Indicated with chronic cystitis with mucus, pus, gravel (fine sandy stones/crystals/uroliths) with pain straining after urination.
- Equisetum Hyemale 4x (Horse Tail) - A major remedy in weakness of the urinary tract and bladder sphincter especially in elderly patients - incontinence and infection. Particularly beneficial in cats kept indoors without access to grasses or eat grass a lot.
- Hydrangea Arborescens 4x (Seven-barks) - Kidney stones, crystals uroliths and pains associated with these eases their passage. Berberis complements action of this remedy.
- Hydrastis Canadensis 4x (Golden Seal) - Highly anitseptic especially in the urinary tract and better used as homeopathic as overharvesting for herbal use is endangering the plant.
- Lycopodium Clavatum 30c (Club Moss) - Cloudy milky, especially red sand (gravel) in urine, cries before urination, right kidney pain. Helps in correcting metabolic predisposition to stones.
- Pareira Brava 4x (Virgin-Vine) - Painful urination especially with induration of bladder (hardness & thickening) constant urging and straining.
- Sabal Serrulatum 6x (Saw Palmetto) - Known as the herbal catheter. For great difficulty in urinating, stricture of urethra. The alleviation of restriction of flow from enlarged prostate.
- Thalapsi Bursa 4x (Shepherd's Purse) - Chronic cystitis with sediment and particularly with brick red dusty sediment. Kidney colic and stones, blood in urine, dribbling in elderly, urethritis all come under the remit of this remedy. Hydrangia complements its action.
- Uva Ursi 4x (Bearberry) - Cystitis with painful straining blood & slime in urine, Kidney stones with pus in kidneys & urine. Antiseptic Hydrastis. The herb and low potency are particularly indicated as supportive remedies in E coli infection.
- Apis Mellifica 6c (Honey Bee) - Acute or chronic cystitis and nephritis. Albumen, casts in cloudy urine, thirstless types averse to heat. Absence of urination in newborns.
- Argentum Nitricum 30c (Silver Nitrate) - A remedy for anxious pets with symptoms matching violent pain urinating. The urine can be dark red or yellow red urine.
- Benzoicum Acidum 6c (Benzoic Acid) - Cystitis, Nephritis, kidney stones, strong foul odor like horse urine, excess uric acid, as occurs in diabetes leading to joint stiffness and pain.
- Calcium Phosphate 30c (Calcium Phosphate) - Pain in bladder worse when empty. Useful where there are stones or crystals containing Phosphates.
- Chimaphila Umbellata 30c (Pipsissewa) - Acute Urinary Tract Inflammation, urine bloody cloudy and difficult to pass
- Ignatia Amara 30c (St. Ignatius Bean) - Cystitis following emotional triggers such as grief, anger, worry (fear/stress) etc. Burning smarting with continual urge to urinate.
- Merc Sol/Mercurius Vivus 30c (Mercury) - Nephritis and or cystitis with straining. Albuminous urine & greenish discharge, offensive odor & ulceration locally and in mouth & tongue where it meets the teeth. Urinate more than they drink.
- Nux Vomica 30c (Poison Nut) - Spasmodic Bladder paralysis especially in spinal injury, Bladder spasm kidney pain, frequent urge to urinate, bloody urine. Related to Ignatia.
- Plumbum Aceticum 30c (Acetate of Lead) - Chronic Kidney Failure, sclerotic shrunken hard nodular kidneys. Like Causticum it is indicated for paralysis of the bladder.
- Sarsaparilla Officinalis 30c (Wild Liquorice) - Crying with straining passing urine which can be sandy pus filled and slimy. It is a very useful remedy where there are crystals with difficulty passing urine. It also has an action in preventing recurrence as does Calc Renalis.
- Sepia Officinalis (succus) 30c (Cuttlefish Ink) - Chronic cystitis, pain in bladder before urination, incontinence. Bloody milky consistency urine with sandy sediment.
- Terebinthinia Oleum 6c (Turpentine) - Acute and Chronic Inflammation of bladder & kidneys especially where blood is present. Urine smokey with coffee grounds or thick, yellow, slimy, muddy sediment. Smell of violets is strongly indicative of this remedy in humans.
- Thuja Occidentalis 30c (Arbor Vitae) - Kidneys - Pains especially left side, which are worse motion. Diabetes mellitus especially with high uric acid (gout, pain in joints). Pain and burning felt near neck of bladder (similar to classic cystitis). Cutting squeezing in bladder and urethra. Bladder feels paralyzed, must wait for urination. Frequent urination with pain in other parts with profuse flow. Desire sudden and urgent, but cannot be controlled. Urethra swollen inflamed. Forward cutting in urethra on urination. Cystitis or renal problems after vaccination especially if left sided. In humans a forked stream is indicative of this remedy and is occasionally seen in animals.
- Arsenicum Album 6c (White Oxide of Arsenic) - Nephritis with albumen +++, cells, fibrin, pus, blood in urine. Black urine anxious chilly restless and thirsty types which sip small amounts at a time.
- Belladonna, 30c (Deadly Nightshade) - Acute urinary infections or complaints. Urine bloody, dark, cloudy, with phosphate. Fever, dilated pupils, bounding pulse, pain. Follows Aconite.
- Causticum 6c, 30c (Potassium Hydrate) - Bladder paralysis from any cause including spinal injury, strong smelling dark cloudy urine, involuntary urination or dribbling urine painful urination.
- Ferrum Phosphoricum, 12x (Phosphate or Iron) - Anemia of chronic renal disease. Inflammation & pain in early stages diarrhea can be present in patient at same time.
- Phosphorus 6c, 30c (Phosphorus) - Chronic & Acute Nephritis with or without jaundice, blood, albumen, sugar in urine or an oilly pellicle (film) on urine. Friendly out going and thirsty pets.
- Staphysagria 6c, 30c (Stavesacre) - Burning Cystitis especially if emotional in origin or following surgical procedures or after mating, Inappropriate urination, spraying.